

Following the Leonardo-Observal project, a decision was reached to use the data gathered at the Observatory. This led to the Observal-Net project, which is sponsored by the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) under one of its transversal key activities entitled, "Policy co-operation and innovation in lifelong learning (KA1)".

Rido / Fotolia

The Observal-Net project (  is a follow-up to the Leonardo-Observal project (2007-2010), in which the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) participated as a silent partner and which culminated in the creation of the European Observatory of Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (

The aims of the Observal-Net project are as follows:

  • To create transversal networks capable of developing national and transnational models based on best practice in the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNIL). Three thematic groups of transversal experts were formed: Work-based competences: Factors for success in implementing VNIL in the workplace; VNIL profession: Definition of competence profile for VNIL professionals; Bottom up: The role of local initiatives in supporting VNIL and strategies for their integration
  • To develop coherent, complete and flexible models for VNIL practices and recommendations, based on a comparative analysis of instances of best practice in different European countries
  • To integrate these practices through strategic development and the formulation of national/regional VNIL policies, in particular through the creation of a policy group composed exclusively of policy makers, whose purpose is to form a peer learning group to share VNIL strategies at a policy level

Specifically, within Observal-Net, SFIVET is responsible for the Bottom-up thematic group, and will mainly concentrate on the following activities:

1. Developing a national VNIL network

  • Mapping the network of stakeholders with an interest in VNIL.
  • Organising two national stakeholders fora to bring together a certain number of these stakeolders according to specific themes. The theme of the first forum, which will take place in September 2012, will be: from regulation to practice and vice versa. National stakeholders fora will be places to exchange and debate ideas, particularly on best practice.
  • Developing national action plans for the duration of the project (general objectives for the development and implementation of VNIL in Switzerland).
  • Forming a national stakeholders consensus.

2. Extending the VNIL knowledge base

  • Tagging case studies hosted on the Obersvatory in accordance with criteria established in consultation with the Bottom-up thematic group.
  • Researching Observal data to identify and list instances of best practice.
  • Using one or more instances of best practice to support discussion at fora.
  • Adding to the knowledge base through new case studies, multimedia material or legal documents.
  • Producing/updating national reports on the state of VNIL.

3. Transversal activities

  • Identifying criteria to define a bottom-up approach.
  • Analysing case studies where a bottom-up approach was used.
  • Drafting an expert report on the various themes.