
Premature termination of apprenticeship contracts and resumption of training in two-year VET programmes: situation in the Canton of Bern

According to the first national study of premature termination of apprenticeship contracts and resumption of training in two-year VET programmes (see Schmid et al. 2016), the apprenticeship contract termination rate in the Canton of Bern stands at just under 30%, which exceeds the national average.

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Youths and young adults who experience apprenticeship contract terminations are at the greatest risk of remaining without an upper-secondary level qualification in the long term. For this reason, the Canton of Bern wishes to understand the reasons for the comparably high incidence of premature termination of apprenticeship contracts and explore possible measures to minimise this phenomenon. The first step will be to draw on existing data to perform a descriptive analysis of the situation in the Canton of Bern and then to compare the figures for the Canton of Bern with those of other cantons. The second step will be to conduct a feasibility study to determine what further analyses can be performed to shed light on apprenticeship contract terminations and their causes.