Debate on conflicting objectives in vocational education and training

OBS symposium and OBS trend report

People join hands
SFUVET/Celestine Roduit, EDHEA The Valais School of Art and Design, Sierre

On 15 November 2022, the Swiss Observatory for Vocational Education and Training (OBS SFUVET) held a national symposium for the fourth time. At this event, participants discussed the various conflicting objectives in vocational education and training at national and international level as well as the corresponding developments, challenges and potential. Speakers at the symposium presented new research findings on how Swiss VET programmes have evolved in national and international contexts.  

Over 140 participants 

The speakers explored how Swiss VET programmes have developed in recent years, how these developments differ among the various cantons and occupations, and how well the Swiss VPET system compares with VET systems in other countries. During a panel discussion, VET professionals, policymakers and researchers discussed the challenges and potential for the dual system and what Switzerland can learn from current international developments. Over 140 people attended this event. 

Fourth OBS trend report 

The 4th OBS trend report, which was published at the same time, formed the basis for discussions. The report highlights the strengths of the Swiss education system, but also shows the challenges posed by rapid changes on the labour market and in society. The strengths of the Swiss education system include close correlation of training with the needs of the labour market and individual occupations, the low youth unemployment rate and high completion rates at upper-secondary level. However, the report urges that the balance between VET and general education at upper-secondary level as well as the mix between school-based and workplace training within VET programmes must be constantly re-examined and adjusted as needed.