The Swiss VPET system explained in Chinese

The SFIVET and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW have published Rudolf H. Strahm’s reference work on Swiss vocational and professional education and training in Chinese.

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Various reforms have been initiated in China in the field of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) in recent times, fostering a strong interest in Switzerland’s dual-track VPET system. This is reflected by the many Chinese delegations SFIVET has had the pleasure to host over recent years.

Knowledge about VPET in Chinese

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and SFIVET have adapted former price supervisor and National Councillor Rudolf H. Strahm’s reference work on Switzerland’s dual-track VPET system and translated it into Chinese.

Foreword by the President of the Swiss Confederation

The book, which contains a foreword by Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation, provides Chinese readers with an insight into Swiss vocational and professional education and training and outlines the key features of the dual-track VPET system. It also highlights the roles played by the universities of applied sciences and SFIVET.

Strahm, Rudolf H., Schneider, J.; Swars, E. (2020):  “有教无因材施教”—— 瑞士双轨制职业教育体系 Bildung für Alle – Allen ihre (eigene) Bildung. Das duale Berufsbildungssystem der Schweiz (Education and training for all tailored to everyone's needs. Switzerland’s vocational and professional education and training system). Published by FHNW.