Workplace training supervision and guidance

The Swiss Association for Applied VET Research (SGAB) and the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET) teamed up to host an online symposium on 13 May 2022 entitled 'Workplace training supervision and guidance'.

portrait of workman talking to apprentices
Adobe Stock / auremar

Cantonal education inspectors have a legal mandate to check and improve the quality of workplace training. Their supervision mandate also includes answering any questions that learners and host companies may have about workplace training and providing advice on how best to resolve current problems and conflicts.

Over eighty participants, mainly practitioners, heard two keynote speeches on how cantonal supervision is carried out in practice and on the advantages and disadvantages of the various implementation formats. Afterwards, the participants were given the opportunity to choose from a variety of workshops covering such topics as coordination between cantonal inspections and coaching services for learners or the importance of having school psychologists on hand during vocational education and training. Initiatives and approaches aimed at improving the quality of workplace training were also presented and discussed.

The symposium gave subject matter experts and all other interested parties the chance to reflect on their own experiences and practices in the area of workplace training supervision and the provision of guidance to learners and host companies. They also had the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with one another.

All documents for the online symposium can be found here.