Priority theme "Apprenticeship contract termination"

SFIVET helps to reduce apprenticeship contract terminations. This page provides an overview of SFIVET services, activities, projects and measures in this area.

In a trend report, SFIVET researchers take stock of the current state of knowledge of apprenticeship contract terminations and subsequent resumption of training. The trend report starts out with a presentation of the many unanswered questions concerning the causes of apprenticeship contract terminations. It then highlights three critical preventive factors: early detection of young people who are having difficulties; high-quality apprenticeship training at host companies and optimisation of training requirements in VET ordinances.

SFIVET activities are therefore focussed on enabling VET professionals to actively play a role in preventing apprenticeship contract terminations. This includes the following: provision of basic and continuing training to teaching staff, both in the area of learning diagnostics and one-to-one coaching; improvement of cooperation between schools and host companies; and raising awareness of the apprenticeship contract termination issue during VET programme revision cycles.