Digitalisation in healthcare: New BeLEARN project

The objective of the BeLEARN project 'Digitalisation in healthcare' is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the extensive data gathered by an earlier project – 'Digi-Care' – and to glean new insights. In addition, the project is implementing and testing a multimedia prototype and text-based learning situations for fostering digital competencies developed during the 'Digi-Care' project in the initial and continuous training of nurses.

Our patient records are all digitized. Shot of a young doctor using a digital tablet in a hospital with her colleagues in the background.
Adobe Stock/Delmaine Donson/

'Digitalisation in healthcare' builds on the 'Digi-Care' project focusing on digital transmission of patient care information, which was a part of the national research programme 77 'Digital Transformation'. As part of the 'Digi-Care' project, the SFUVET team led by Prof. Dr. Patrizia Salzmann and the Institute for Medical Informatics at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) developed a multimedia prototype and learning situations for the initial and continuous training of nurses, and suggestions for optimized workflows in digital systems. The prototypes and learning situations were based on an ethnographic study in hospitals, in which nurses were accompanied and filmed during their daily work. The participating nurses were then invited to comment on video footage (showed to them) to get ahold of the nurses’ own perception of their performed activities.

The BeLEARN project conducts an in-depth analysis of the extensive 'Digi-Care' data to glean new insights. In addition, the project is implementing and testing a 360-degree video that had been developed on the topic of shift handover, along with text-based learning situations for fostering digital competencies in the initial and continuous training of nurses.