
Digitalisation in healthcare

Training for nurses: testing a VR tool for fostering digital competencies and analysing observations that were gathered from hospitals during an ethnographic study.

Our patient records are all digitized. Shot of a young doctor using a digital tablet in a hospital with her colleagues in the background.
Adobe Stock/Delmaine Donson/

In the Digi-Care project 'Digitalisation and transmission of clinical information in nursing: Implications and perspectives', which was a part of national research programme 77 “Digital Transformation”, the SFUVET and the Institute for Medical Informatics at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) developed a multimedia prototype and learning situations that could be used for the initial and continuous training of nurses, and suggestions for optimized workflows in digital systems. The prototypes and learning situations were based on an ethnographic study in hospitals, in which nurses were accompanied and filmed during their daily work. The participating nurses were then invited to comment on video footage (showed to them) to get ahold of the nurses’ own perception of their performed activities.

The objective of the BeLEARN project 'Digitalisation in healtcare' is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the extensive data gathered by the Digi-Care project, glean new insights, and to obtain feedback on the multimedia prototype and learning situations. The multimedia prototype – an immersive and interactive 360-degree video on shift handover – and the text-based learning situations covering additional key moments of patient care information transmission are intended to provide training of digital competencies that are so important today . The prototypes and learning situations were developed and evaluated in close collaboration with practice partners from hospitals and nursing educational institutions, but have not yet been implemented and tested in the initial and continuous training of nurses. 

Interim results and project status information

Currently five scientific publications are in progress and four articles have been submitted to international scientific conferences (some already accepted).

Two additional practice-oriented publications are also in the editing/submission pipeline.


By the end of 2024, field implementation and testing of the 360-degree video on the topic of shift handover and the text-based learning situations for fostering digital competencies in the initial and continuous training of nurses will be complete. As part of this process, the project results will be presented to nursing educational institutions.